2022 & 2021 - VOICES
VOICES is the only charity (so far) that has been awarded 2 grants - it was awarded £1,500 in 2021 and £4,000 in 2022.
VOICES is a charity providing early help, recovery support and advocacy for people affected by domestic abuse. Founded 10yrs ago by women with lived experience, VOICES was set up specifically to provide recovery provision for women after crisis – at a time where little support was available. Voices can also help people and professionals recognise the signs of domestic abuse and make decisions safely about next steps. Voices raises awareness and provides training within B&NES and beyond.
The charity's support model works together with families affected by domestic abuse (past or present) to prevent harm and promote recovery, by offering bespoke multidisciplinary support that includes individual recovery, advocacy and a suite of group programmes. This critical support is offered at a point of transition to enable a significant step after crisis towards recovery and is reliable enough to respond to changing circumstances. VOICES are passionate in the belief that recovery is prevention.
In 2022, VOICES were awarded a £4,000 grant from Bath Women’s Fund that they used to help deliver their suite of programmes. It helped ensure women had access, in particular, to the Freedom Programme, as well as additional individual recovery support work, specialist integrated domestic and sexual abuse counselling and a legal advice clinic.
The suite of programmes included:
• Freedom Programme – a national programme enabling victims to identify abusive behaviour. • Recovery Toolkit – a national psychoeducational programme for recovery from abusive patterns.
• MATES social group – a drop-in social group with peer support, increasing social integration and confidence building initiatives in a safe and restorative atmosphere.
Through these programmes, VOICES supports around 100–150 women a year. They work in a trauma-informed way with women helping them to explore the nature and experience of domestic abuse and enable self compassion and recovery.
“Our focus at Voices is to respond to the individual needs of each person or family affected by domestic abuse. These needs will be emotional, psychological and practical as domestic abuse impacts every part of a victim’s life. And that’s where the multidisciplinary part comes in – for some women, they may want to start with group work and meet others who have similar experiences. Or they might need advocacy or financial/ legal support before they can concentrate on anything else. Our aim is to improve domestic abuse support for everyone by amplifying the voice of Lived Experience and shaping services in response.” Kirsten, VOICES
“This service has saved my mental health and has provided a safe service whilst helping with coping mechanisms for the future.” Lena
90% of VOICES clients reported a reduction in anxiety and fear.
92% an increase in safety for themselves and their children.
82% had reduced isolation and improved social integration through peer support.
Preventive and recovery work is highly cost effective because of its focus on sustained change and recovery from abuse. Funding to help support this charity helps them to make a difference and have a lasting impact.
To find out more about VOICES visit: https://voicescharity.org/